Acknowledgments for Enhancements for YouTube

Acknowledgments for Enhancements for YouTube:

We would like to express our gratitude to the creators and contributors of the following resources, which have been instrumental in the development of our app, Enhancements for YouTube:

1. Return Youtube Dislike


2. Return Youtube Dislike.user.js

Return YouTube Dislike is an open-source extension that returns the YouTube dislike count.

We are grateful to all the individuals, communities, and organizations that have indirectly contributed to the creation of our app. Their dedication to advancing technology and fostering collaboration has been instrumental in bringing our vision to life.

Please note that our app is an independent project and is not officially affiliated with Return of the YouTube Dislike or any other entities mentioned above.

3. SponsorBlock

Enhancements for YouTube uses SponsorBlock data licensed used under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 from

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